This post was supposed (suppost?) to be about Marcel's Book Club, but I made the mistake of choosing Our Lady of Confidence and darling little Jesus to top our words, and now all I can do is admire her, and invite you to admire her with me.
Isn't she beautiful? Little Jesus must've just woken up because - did you notice? - His face looks a little smushed, like He's been sleeping hard on it, but He's awfully cute nonetheless, pointing to His mama as if to say, "Look at her! Isn't she beautiful?" You see, even He invites us to admire Our Lady! I can think of another reason to admire Our Lady besides her beauty. I'm thinking of her goodness, her kindness, her compassion. That may sound like 3 reasons, but they're all rolled into one in my mind because of a passage from Marcel's Conversations that's been calling to me lately. These words are from April 11, 1946, around (426) of Marcel's pages. Here Mary says to Marcel and to us: "My dear little one. You have just been looking at me. It is not surprising therefore that I hasten to ask you this question. It is something really astounding. My child, by a simple glance you have drawn to yourself my compassionate gaze. So what do you want and what is it that little Jesus has just said to you?" I'd say this passage is prophetic! Here we were just looking at Our Lady (as she mentions), and then little Jesus spoke to us and she mentions that too! Soon after, she speaks these words to each of us, words full of mercy and consolation: "My dear child, remain in peace, all right? Little Jesus has not scolded you; neither have I. Our sole intention, both of us, is to get rid of your troubles. Do not worry, I love you dearly. . . Come, my child, I am kissing you, I am giving you twice as many as I'm giving little Jesus, nevertheless, little Jesus is very happy with that." I love Our Blessed Mother's affection, her kisses, her kind words, her reassurance. But what I think I love most in this conversation is the opening gambit where she points out that merely by looking at her, we bring about an astounding grace. By a simple glance at her, we draw to ourselves her compassionate gaze. How wonderful! I hope you have many lovely pictures of Our Lady surrounding you so that you can easily glance at her and receive in return her maternal gaze. This simple glance is a powerful prayer, and since the eyes are the windows of the soul, through your glance you bring to Our Blessed Mother all those you love. When she looks back at you, her very gaze an embrace, her compassionate gaze encompasses too all those you brought to her in your look! This is prayer at its simplest, and possibly its finest. Jesus has told Marcel that a parent feels most affection for the smallest child, the one who can't yet speak, who can only snuggle in his father's arms or gaze upon his mother in silence. Doesn't this sound like us sometimes? Remember, Jesus and Mary don't want us to worry. If something is troubling you, give it to them. You don't need to even use words. Just look at them, and let your exchange of glances be an exchange of intentions. You give them your worries, they give you peace. You may not see the solutions to your troubles immediately materialize, but Jesus and Mary have you covered with their care (omnipotent on His part, maternal on hers), so there's nothing left to fear, nothing left to do but relax. Still, our sister Therese has not left us entirely speechless. She's taught us a few words to go along with our glance, so let's say them together and then we can look at Mary again. Draw me, we will run! There. Enough said. Now let's get back to Our Lady's dear, dear face. Isn't she beautiful? Comments are closed.
Miss MarcelI've written books and articles and even a novel. Now it's time to try a blog! For more about me personally, go to the home page and you'll get the whole scoop! If you want to send me an email, feel free to click "Contact Me" below. To receive new posts, enter your email and click "Subscribe" below. More MarcelArchives
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