Do you know these faces? And though there are only 4 pictures, what would you say if I asked, "Which one of these is not like the others?"
Introductions first: In sepia tones, we have St. Therese and her sister (the taller one) Celine. In the black and white image, circa 1915, we have Servant of God Julia Greeley of Denver, with Marjorie in her arms. Finally in what looks like a painting by Murillo (but it is probably a photo, don't you think?) we have our dear St. Anthony and little Jesus, our Savior and Spouse of our souls! The One I would say stands out as "not like the others" is the middle image of Julia and Marjorie because - guess what? - until this morning, while I had heard of Julia G (starting a few years ago thanks to my amazing friend A.W., also known as "Aw, Awesome!"), I didn't really know anything about her except that she is popular in Denver and many want her Sainthood proclaimed. Oh, also recently I knew that another awesome friend has written a children's book about her, but there is more to be done (the usual stuff like finding an illustrator and publisher), so I haven't seen the book yet. Nonetheless, this morning was magical because said friend #2 published an article at our dear Catholic Exchange, and the article is Servant of God Julia Greeley: A Name Written in the Sacred Heart It is wonderful - the article, the Saint (yet to be named, but so clearly one with Jesus!), and her impending feast that coincides this year with Trinity Sunday - this Sunday! Which links her, most adorably, with a friend of mine named Tim who no doubt brought her to my attention today (because that is his feast too, June 7), whom you can read about HERE (thanks to another friend of mine - boy they pile up, these amazing women I know!), and his mom's special Saint (whose feast is ALSO on June 7!), Blessed Anne of St. Bartholomew, whom you can read about HERE, and you'll want to since she was a cool cat and good buddy of St. Teresa of Avila, La Madre! There is another event we will commemorate this Sunday, though, on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, and this is where we jump back to the first photo of Therese (and Celine). Are you sitting down? (Lying down is acceptable too, but if you're standing, please hold on to something to steady yourself because this is BIG NEWS!!) This Sunday, Feast of the Holy Trinity 2020, is the 125th anniversary of Therese first making her Act of Oblation to Merciful Love (on Trinity Sunday 1895)!!!!! And God bless Monsignor Ken Loughman, retired Irish American priest of the archdiocese of NY, for letting us know that this anniversary is just around the corner! Woohoo and Hooray! Alleluia and Deo gratias!!! The actual date of Therese's making the Oblation was June 9, which is why we had planned and announced we would start a novena last Monday on June 1st. Little circumstances and obstacles prevented that, so we thought we'd start on Wednesday, since June 11 is the day Therese and Celine formally made the Act of Oblation together before the statue of the Virgin of the Smile (enter Celine, then) . . . but no, God's hand held us gently back, so that we could start our little novena today (3 days until Sunday, just like the cross to the Resurrection!) and make it a super spectacular all encompassing novena by letting it commemorate the Most Blessed and Adorable Trinity, St. Therese, Servant of God Julia Greeley, Blessed Anne of St. Bartholomew, the best hugger in heaven (vying with Marcel for best tickler as well) Tim, and Celine, as well as (no doubt) a handful of other greats who will lead us in 9 days to - Il Santo! The Saint! Anthony of Padua and Lisbon, our special patron (my middle name saint, my grandmother's saint, my husband's saint, my sons' middle name saint, etc. etc, etc!) Only God could design a novena this great! So what are our intentions? 1. Thanksgiving for miracles small and LARGE - and if you can't think of one in your life right off the top of your head, please join us in our thanks for my father in law Paul discovering - to our great delight and his even greater delight! - that he is in remission from cancer! A remission that was not even hinted at as part of his deadly prognosis, but hey, that's where miracles come in, and we are SO INDEBTED for all your prayers and love and support that brought Paul to this joyful new reality! which leads us to: 2. For all the intentions and health, happiness, and so on and so forth, of those who have prayed for Paul (and throw in an Ave now to be enrolled in this long list of names kept by our angels!) and then: 3. For more miracles! for Physical (and other) Healings for two dear children-of-friends, for a dear sister-of-a-dear-friend, and for all the healings needed by you and those dear to you! St. Anthony is past master of these kinds of healings (easy peasy for one so close to Christ!), so let's pile up the petitions and watch him knock them down into grace and mercy and Jesus' healing power like so many bowling pins into the - well, wherever knocked down bowling pins go! and finally: 4. For the vocations of all the young people who have just graduated (even without the pomp and circumstance) from college, high school, and every other place (like the boy in our neighborhood who had a graduation from kindergarten congrats sign on his lawn - too darling!) - and for those of us who will be happy to keep discovering our missions within our vocations, just according to Jesus' sweet will and joy for us. I have in mind a particular daughter of a friend (almost a daughter to me too), and another dear Miss Marcel, and so many more! Add your loved ones (and yourself!) to this list too! and last but not least: 5. The quick restoration of the Sacraments to us, and us to the Sacraments, with special added graces for all seminarians, deacons, priests, Bishops, and the Holy Father. We will feel free to add intentions as they arise, and please do so too! So what will our prayer be? I have the opportunity to go to Mass right now (and I will be late, as ever, even after such long absences that have made my heart grow fonder) so for now, let's start with these prayers I know by heart. We can add or change later, but for now: We love You, Jesus, please make us Saints! Little Flower, in this hour, show your power! Dear Saint Anthony, please come around, there's something lost (Faith, Health, knowledge of God's will, the sacraments in our daily lives, etc) that must be found! Draw me Jesus, we will RUN!!!!!! Comments are closed.
Miss MarcelI've written books and articles and even a novel. Now it's time to try a blog! For more about me personally, go to the home page and you'll get the whole scoop! If you want to send me an email, feel free to click "Contact Me" below. To receive new posts, enter your email and click "Subscribe" below. More MarcelArchives
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