So you are here - you have found Marcel! Congratulations! If you scroll down, you will find more Marcel . . . and I have been loathe to write a new post because I love so much what Jesus says to Marcel in the next post down:
"All the words that I have spoken to you from the beginning until the last one I speak to you in the future -- know that it is not to you alone that I am speaking, but to all souls. You see by this that I communicate with all of them. And if, like you, they are sincere in their relationship with Me, then I am speaking also to them. It is not necessary that you understand this." (58) And I especially love Jesus' admonition (to us too, since He just reminded us that all His words to Marcel are words to us too!), "Do not worry any more, ever." He really means it, and I hate to change the subject, because we need to hear it over and over again. Well, don't worry (really!) even about this seeming change of subject - I'll be sure to get back to Jesus' sweet and gentle commands to us (through Marcel) at the end of this post. First, though, I must carry out my mission . . . I know, that sounds fancy. I don't know if I knew I had a mission until I just wrote that! Wow, the Holy Spirit is right here, supplying the words, and He's surprising even me! But in simple language (since we are simple souls here at Miss Marcel's Musings), my mission is to give you more Marcel. Thus I can't stop with what I have already written, but must forge ahead with More Marcel. And lest we all think this is too heavy a burden for such a little one as myself, I have two solutions. First, did you know that the ant can carry 5000 times its weight? Really! I got this quote from Nature World News (and they wouldn't lie!) - "The ability of worker ants to carry many times their own body weight is well documented, but new research on heavy-lifting ants reveals that the neck joint of a common American field ant can withstand pressures up to 5,000 times greater than its own body weight." Wow! I'm not going to tell you my weight (I don't know it actually!), but I will say that I'm so glad we are embarked on the very little way of Marcel. As Miss Marcel, I often feel smaller than an ant, and I am American, and when it comes to writing about Marcel, I'm fine with heavy-lifting. So don't worry, it's my pleasure to keep more Marcel coming your way here. But wait, there's more! In the last 24 hours I've come across a second solution to the fulfillment of my mission and the fulfillment of the growing need we all have for more Marcel. And it's such a great solution that it doesn't just bring you more brings Much More Marcel right to you, almost instantly. (It would be actually instantly if I got to the point, but what's a great punch line without a build up?) It turns out that although at first glance Marcel seems unknown, in fact there are others besides Miss Marcel who are smitten with him, befriended by him, and quite faithful friends of his in their own right . . .After all, those four published volumes I keep talking about did not appear solely through the work of Marcel's bearded Jesus (Fr. Boucher, pictured above). No, there were other friends involved. Some are in France, and at least one is in England. And now, thanks to my wildly expanding techno-expertise (and the help of a friend of mine and Marcel's who lives in my corner of Marcel's world), I have links to these far-flung friends (far from California where I live, but very, very close to Marcel) over to the right, in the sidebar under my Author blurb, and just under their own More Marcel heading. Can you guess which link leads you to England, and which to France? No, don't go meet these new friends just yet! Let me introduce them here, and then you can jump the pond and visit England, and cross the Channel and stop over in France. Marcel is waiting for you in both places, and I promise to keep my intro as brief as I can so you can (almost instantly) go meet his very dear and trés bon friends, those who have known him and loved him and sung about him for much longer than this common American field ant! Ready for the intros? The Marcel Van Association is the work of Jack Keogan, translator of Marcel's works into English. Les Amis de Van is the website of the group by the same name whose mission is (hold onto your chapeau, this is amazing!) to promote Marcel and advance his Cause for Beatification. They also sponsor Vietnamese seminarians, publish the life and writings of Marcel in various languages, and in short, they are his trés chers amis. Why haven't I told you about them earlier? You will be shocked by the answer. Can we keep this just between us? (Okay, shhhh. I'll tell you my little secret . . . but in parentheses so it goes no further. Believe it or not, Miss Marcel doesn't know French! And since the Amis de Van website is in French, well, it seemed like a closed book to those of us who have English as a first language and are working on English as our second language too! Why it didn't occur to me to use Google's handy "translate this page" feature I cannot tell you! Ants don't always think of these things - at least not the heavy-lifting ones.) And on a more logical note, it wouldn't have made sense to give you more Marcel, let alone Much More Marcel, before I'd given you some Marcel. There, now that the intro and explanations are over, you are almost free to click over and find much, much more Marcel in England and France. What's left? Two things . . . 1. I promised you another word from Jesus to us through Marcel, and I have one! Today I had the privilege and pleasure of visiting Jesus at adoration. During my time before Him in the Blessed Sacrament, I asked Him to bless the devoted Amis of Marcel, and here is the word He gave me for you . . . Remember, every word He speaks to Marcel is for all of us as well! And today He says: "Enough, Marcel, my little brother. Do not be sad, do you understand? From now on, no more worrying, all right? . . . " (507) So that's it - no more worrying! No more sadness! He is God and He is taking care of everything! 2. Speaking of Les Amis de Van and their website, I had great news this week from a dear friend in Texas. Having met Marcel here, she wanted to get a hold of all his works. I did say Texas, right? They do things big there! And so she went directly to the boutique at Les Amis de Van and bought the 4 volumes for about $25 each, and using their one flat rate for shipping ($10), the books came quickly -- much more quickly than she expected, and I'm sure much, much more quickly than my first copy of Conversations came when I ordered it from a large American online .com bookseller for between $30 and $40! So here is the link to the store at Les Amis de Van, where you will find wonderful things at great prices - in short, much more Marcel that you can hold in your hands and take with you to your holy hour. All you have to do to get there is click HERE. Oops, and one more very last thing . . . Marcel visited my alma mater, Thomas Aquinas College, this week. I'm so pleased he found another place to make yet more friends! If you want to see what his presence there looks like, you can click HERE. And now, I will say Bon voyage! À bientôt! Comments are closed.
Miss MarcelI've written books and articles and even a novel. Now it's time to try a blog! For more about me personally, go to the home page and you'll get the whole scoop! If you want to send me an email, feel free to click "Contact Me" below. To receive new posts, enter your email and click "Subscribe" below. More MarcelArchives
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